Seeing the Deer in the Headlights for What He Really Is
Have you noticed lately, that even Republicans are beginning to stay away from George W. Bush in droves? There are many reasons for this.
One is the obvious. Bush's lies and decept are beginning to catch up with him. He is starting to appear more often with that "deer in the headlights" look on his face. The one he always had when he was drinking. Now don't get me wrong. The neo-conservatives and the rest of the Republican Party always KNEW that he was lying, but he was lying in ways that benefitted their agendas.
They knew the real reason for going into Iraq had nothing to do with terrorism or national security. They knew that when their "fearless" leader, (the one who was so scared of going to Vietnam that he took the rich boy's draft dodging deferment of the 1960's and 70's, the National Guard), talked about WMD's yet named his invasion on a sovereign country "Operation: Iraqi FREEDOM" (?), what it was really all about.
Even when it was against the best interests of their constituents, that they could sell them a "pig-in-poke", like "TAX CUTS FOR EVERYONE..YIPPEE!" that were only meant to really benefit the richest among us, by throwing out terms like "family values", "evangelical Christianity", etc. Just like the "Iraqi Freedom" idiocy, they have known that this entire administration has been about misdirection.
Bush and his cronies (and isn't THAT term beginning to finally be used) built their largest block of base by misdirection. And if you notice, did such a good job at it that actor/director Mel Gibson took a chapter out of their playbook.
The so-called evangelical Christians would be that block. Now unlike many Democrats, I have no fear in saying that I am a Christian. But these folks, the "evangelicals" as they like to be called, should look around and call themselves the extremely gullible right-wing of the extreme right-wing of the Republican Party.
George W. Bush, a former cocaine abuser, an alcoholic (who has "started" drinking again, according to insiders, but many say he never really stopped), etc., picks up a Bible, thumps it a little, says during his 2000 campaign for president that Christ was his "favorite philosopher" because he "changed my life", allows others to call him "evangelical" and "one of us", and POOF, his base is set!
Then he uses and literally abuses these people, (many of the very good people who didn't realize that they were "evangelical" until Pat Robertson and others literally made up the term), by getting them to support him on every front you can think of. I don't believe that if "evangelicals", on the heels of 9/11, had been asked about going to war against a country that wasn't involved in the attack on our homeland, and who really posed no threat to our country whatsoever, would have said "Yes". But, when they were lied to again, like the rest of us, but this time about WHY we were going to war.....they followed "lock-step" behind their leader, "knowing" that he had their best interests in mind and would never lie to them.
Mel Gibson saw this and when he made his wonderful movie The Passion of the Christ
saw an opening, and started pressing the "evangelicals" with free "making of's" documentaries which of course they saw as a reward from on high, and showed free of charge on their many channels on television. They also bought BLOCKS of tickets for church members. Advertised in the churches about dates and times. Got copies, when it was released on DVD, an showed them over and over to their flocks.
A movie maker's dream!! It is called FREE ADVERTISING!!
And they were so manipulated by him financially, just like they were manipulated politically by those "evangelicals" of such high moral values as Karl Rove(4 trips to the grand jury) Bush's chief politcal advisor and assistant chief of staff, Lewis "Scooter" Libby "along with Rove possible grand jury target for what should be treason, and chief of staff to the Vice-President", Tom DeLay former Republican House majority leader (indicted on money laundering and campaign law violations in Texas), Vice-President Dick Cheney "who told Senator Patrick Lehey of Connecticut to go f__k himself on the sacred floor of the Senate", and of course the coke-meister, drunk, liar, and person responsible for the deaths of, to date, nearly 2,000 American young people, and the maiming of thousands more of our children....President George W. Bush!!
It HAS to make you neo-cons and hardcore Republican Bush apologists just swell up with pride!! And of course, none of this is as serious as lying under oath about sex, so there is no way that Bush deserves to be IMPEACHED!
The time has come for Democrats, Liberals, Moderates, Progrssives, Independents, Whites, Minorities (especially since he showed you just how compassionate they are toward you in particular) and just everyone who believes in decency and at least basic honesty, to stand up and throw these bums out next November. Give the majority in Congress BACK to those who care most about us, instead of the wealthy, corporations, and particularly the oil companies. We have two oilmen in the White House, and no one to keep them in check, as it stands right now. Plus, with a Democratic Majority in Congress, there will finally be someone to hold George W. Bush and his entire regime of thugs, accountable for their crimes of treason and their crimes against humanity.