Truth from the American Middle

Somewhere between the extreme liberals and the over-the-top neo-conservatives is a place known as the "Political Middle". This is where most of us live, and where true patriotism thrives.

Monday, September 05, 2005

The Final Bush Legacy

Take a look, Mr. President. Take a look at exactly what the policies of your administration have done for the American people in the South, especially New Orleans. You have FINALLY shown in one week, what we, the loyal opposition, couldn't make the rest of the country see in the last 4 1/2 years.

You wanted tax breaks for the rich (disguised as tax cuts for all, yeah right!), and at the same time cut funding to the Army Corps of Engineers and the updating of the levees in New Orleans. You have protected your pals in the oil industry, who are reaping mega-profits on the backs of the average American's back, by a regressive tax, in the form of tripling the price of gas at the pumps.

You lied us into a war of choice in Iraq, not the War on Terror in Afghanistan and around the world, and NOW the MAJORITY of our NATIONAL GUARD which is supposed to be helping in the case of national emergency, is tied up in your folly in Iraq!! And what does that cost us? MORE AMERICAN LIVES!!

Mr. President, while people were dying by the minute in New Orleans, because you and your administration had screwed up FEMA SO BADLY that they didn't know which way was up, AND the afore mentioned National Guard situation, YOU went WEST from Texas instead of EAST so that you could attend FUND-RAISERS for your co-conspirators in this matter and others, the REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE!! You were even photographed, AFTER THE HURRICANE, goofing around with an electric guitar at an event, while YOUR OWN CITIZENS were SUFFERING AND DYING BY YOUR OWN STUPIDITY!!

Make sure that you try to put a REALLY GOOD SPIN on this, because I believe that by a LARGE MAJORITY, the American people are finally seeing thru your smoke screens; placing blame on others; making every situation out as rosie no matter how deadly it is; and making people think that you are just one of them, when those of us who were paying attention in 2000 heard you call a bunch of extremely rich corporate types, "my base..the haves and have mores"!

THIS is the legacy of BUSH 43!! The legacy of "compassionate conservatism"! The legacy of TWO OIL MEN in the White House! The legacy of the first successful coup in American history!

Now people are seeing why your co-defendent Dick Cheney didn't want the country to know who was in the Energy Policy meetings at the White House.

Sir, the truth is out and it is VERY UGLY!! And the country is seeing that your so-called Grand Old Party, has badly deteriorated into nothing more than your machine for enriching your friends and family, and helping you carry out your dream. The one you spelled out so effectively when you said, "it would so much easier if it were a long as I am the dictator"!