America Needs To Take Back Congress
It is high time that we start calling a spade a spade.
I realize that the Supreme Court is about to be heavily packed to the right, but I also see where, as I keep hearing people call it, Bush has threaded the needle with the Roberts nomination. I am a realist. This is a fight that we can't win, but ROVEGATE is one that we can. And when the American people actually realize how little credibility the Bush Administration has, and how blindly the Republicans in the House and Senate have been following this liar, I believe that they will be ready for a change. Maybe even in Texas!
Congress is the key to this whole fight. We can't stop the right-handed direction of SCOTUS, but we can control the direction of Congress. All we really have to do as the true American Patriots is to get the message out, and get it out hard!
If Congress is out of the hands of the fascists, then we can pull this country then we can give control of the legislative process back to the average American, and wrestle it away from the robber barons (Halliburton, for instance), crooked politicans (Tom DeLay, for instance), and dictator wantabes (Bush, Rove, Frist, Hastert, take your pick).
Plus, with control of Congress, come the ability to write legislation in a way that SCOTUS isn't able to legitimately overturn (i.e., reproductive rights, civil rights, rescinding the worst parts of the "Patriot" act, etc.)
With the kind of credibility that the country hasn't been able to find since 2001, we have the best of chances to take back the White House and put this country back on the track that the majority of Americans demand that it be.
Real criminal behavior and acts of treason have no place in the White House, and those who want to ruin the ones who descent have no place in public service at taxpayer expense.
We cannot allow this unwinable fight against the Roberts Nomination hog the airwaves and the print media, and allow ROVEGATE to fall under the radar. These HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANERS cannot go ignored and unpunished. Rove must go, and Bush should be impeached.
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