Truth from the American Middle

Somewhere between the extreme liberals and the over-the-top neo-conservatives is a place known as the "Political Middle". This is where most of us live, and where true patriotism thrives.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Conservative Extremists Hate Nazi Talk, So Let's Talk Facism

Nowadays, you here the conservative extremists, the right-wing religious extremists, et al, acting as if it is the most ridiculous thing in the world to make any comparison's between them, and the Nazi leaders of Germany before and during World War II. They actually will say that if you even make the comparison, you are calling them Nazi's!

Well, as the son of a man who was wounded during the Normandy Invasion, I would actually never call any American a nazi just because I disagree with their constitutionally guaranteed right to their own opinions. But comparison's to how business was done, between the Bush Administration and the Congressional cohorts, to me, is very fair game. But, since they all seem so offended by the word "nazi", and since they have no problem calling anyone who isn't a right-wing extremist, a socialist, then it is only fair to use the term "facist"
when discussing them.

Think, for instance, about the very worst parts of the "Patriot" act. Giving away some of our more important freedoms in the name of "safety", is such a shameless way to take away rights that we have held dear since the days of our founding fathers.

The neo-cons are now arguing that the Founding Fathers never even dreamed of the kind of threats that we now face in this unsettled world. And they would be right, to a point. But that comes on the heels of them saying that the Fathers would not have even imagined pornography when they demanded free speech. Once again, to a point, I am sure there is some truth to that statement too. But you know what, they do believe that the Founding Fathers would have seen that assault rifles would have been an obvious progression, and they wouldn't have dreamed of banning them!! Yeah, RIGHT!!

Of course there is always the "reasoning" behind going to war in Iraq, when we all know now that not only were there no Weapons Of Mass Destruction, but the Bushies were just using our fears after 9/11 to further their own agenda for wanting to take our country into war. A lie that they continue to try to perpetuate even now, when the cat keeps coming out of the bag on this subject.

This lie has already cost us nearly 1800 precious American lives, and maimed over 25,000!!

Now, lets take a look at some history.....

Adolf Hitler, wanting to take Germany into an empirical war, needed an excuse. So, he had some Jews killed that were from around the Polish border. Then he had them dressed in German uniforms, and placed at a German radio station, just inside the Polish border with Germany. Then he lied and claimed that the Poles had attacked poor, unsuspecting Germans and the people got up-in-arms and demanded that Hitler declare war on Poland! All he had to do was use the German peoples fears of Communism and their own safety against them to accomplish this not so small feat.

So, now Hitler had his excuse, and that is known as the beginning of World War II!!
(Now think about WMD's and Iraq & the lies that used to try to link it with 9/11...hmmmmmmmmm.)

Hitler also, convinced the German people that their fears of communism were definitely well-founded, and told them that it was necessary to give up some of their constitutional freedoms,
temporarily, so that he could protect them from the communist hordes. Of course, then he made sure that they became permanent along with the other freedoms that he started taking away as soon as he came to power. (Now think about the so-called "Patriot" act, or at least a whole lot of it and how it was supposed to sunset, and now they want to make the whole thing permanent!

One of the Founding Fathers had an interesting take on this over 200 years ago.
Benjamin Franklin once said "any man that would give up liberty for freedom, deserve neither".

Now, I don't really believe that George W. Bush intends to become dictator of the United States, but his party is doing everything within and without their power to make this a one-party facists state.

Using just one little State, Florida, and the Florida Secretary of State, the Florida Governor, the Florida legislature, and the U.S. Supreme Court, George W. Bush, Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, "Scooter" Libby, and the Republican National Committee, in 2000 effectively pulled off the first coup d' tat in American history!!

It is starting to unravel somewhat, but they are trying everything to hold on to their complete and unwavering power. Stormtrooper Tom DeLay, the House Majority Leader of the Junta Party illegally maneuvered through the Texas State Legislature, a congressional redistricting plan that assured their junta would be allowed more seats in the U.S. House of Representatives.
I believe that he will either be indicted for illegal use of campaign funds, or lose his election in 2006, or both.

Like Hitler and his goons, if anyone disagreed with them, they were destroyed. Bush may not use violence, but ask anyone in government who has disagreed with them publically, what his wrath feels like! Richard Clarke, Ambassador Joe Wilson, Valarie Plame Wilson, Paul O'Neill, and others what happens when you cross the path of the Bush "administration".

Lies will certainly catch up with them eventually, but they have successfully introduced the American people to FACISM, without them even noticing!

Oh and one more comparison....Josef Goebbels, Hitler's Minister of Propaganda, once retorted, "perpetuate a lie, and when you repeat it over and over, it eventually becomes the truth"!!



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