Bush Compares Iraq to WWII
It may be time for us all to realize that just maybe, our president is back on the juice....or maybe snack.
Today, on the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II, a war in which his father and mine both served and left their childhoods in combat on foreign soil and hostile waters, George W. Bush attempted to prop up America's view of his war and occupation of Iraq by drawing comparisons between the recent "American Made" hostilities and the war against the Axis powers that brought their war to American soil by killing American service personnel at Pearl Harbor in 1941. (Kind of like the war RIGHTFULLY waged by this president after the sneak attack on America on 9/11.)
My father, who went to glory in 1989 shortly after Bush's father came into office and who served with dignity in Europe from 1944 thru 1946 and was wounded and crippled for life in the Battle of St. Lo, always took pride in two things. First was, until Vietnam, the U.S had never lost a war. And the second was that he lived not seeing the U.S. START a war of aggression on another sovereign country. He was ashamed of Vietnam....but he would be totally appalled at the idea of invading another country without provocation...of turning it into a battlefield of necessity.....of pushing for a government that would turn it into a THEOCRACY and attempt to sell the American people on the lie that it is really a DEMOCRACY....and that a Congress saw fit to impeach one president over lying under oath about a sexual relationship, without much change at all in personel and NO change in party control, would not even discuss impeaching a president who lied his country into a war that has killed so many of our young people, and who has done more damage to our credibility abroad than even Richard Nixon did with Watergate...or LBJ did with Vietnam...or Ronald Reagan did with Iran/Contra...and DEFINITELY MORE than Bill Clinton did with the Lewinski affair!!
I was raised a proud Democratic Patriot, by a proud Democratic Patriotic Veteran of America's proudest victory, WWII. There can be no comparison with the Bush occupation of Iraq, and World War II that any REAL AMERICAN PATRIOT could possibly make. Thus, Bush makes one.
If he wants to compare...there is always VIETNAM!!
Until later.......
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